NMEA-0183 GPS Output Structure

$GPGGA Output Sentence:

$GPGGA,180432.00,4027.027912,N,08704.857070, W,2,07,1.0,212.15,M,-33.81,M,4.2,0555*73

Field Value Meaning
1 180432.00 UTC of position fix in hhmmss.ss format (18 hours, 4 minutes and 32 seconds)
2 4027.027912 Geographic latitude in ddmm.mmmmmm format (40 degrees and 27.027912 minutes)
3 N Direction of latitude (N - North, S - South)
4 08704.857070 Geographic longitude in dddmm.mmmmmm format (87 degrees and 4.85707 minutes)
5 W Direction of longitude (E - East, W - West)
6 2 GPS quality indicator (0 - fix not valid, 1 - GPS fix, 2 - DGPS fix)
7 07 Number of satellites in use (00-12)
8 1.0 Horizontal DOP
9 212.15 Antenna height above MSL (mean sea level) reference (212.15 m)
10 M Unit of altitude (meters)
11 -33.81 Geoidal separation (-33.81 m)
12 M Unit of geoidal separation (meters)
13 4.2 Age of differential GPS data record
14 0555 Base station ID (0000-1023)

$GPGLL Output Sentence:

$GPGLL,4027.027912,N,08704.857070,W, 180432.00,A,D*7A

Field Value Meaning
1 4027.027912 Geographic latitude in ddmm.mmmmmm format (40 degrees and 27.027912 minutes)
2 N Direction of latitude (N - North, S - South)
3 08704.857070 Geographic longitude in dddmm.mmmmmm format (87 degrees and 4.85707 minutes)
4 W Direction of longitude (E - East, W - West)
5 180432.00 UTC of position fix in hhmmss.ss format (18 hours, 4 minutes and 32 seconds)
6 A 'A' shows that data is valid
7 D Mode indication (A - autonomous, D - differential, N - data not valid)

$GPRMC Output Sentence:

$GPRMC,180432,A,4027.027912,N,08704.857070,W, 000.04,181.9,131000,1.8,W,D*25

Field Value Meaning
1 180432 UTC of position fix in hhmmss format (18 hours, 4 minutes and 32 seconds)
2 A Status (A - data is valid, V - warning)
3 4027.027912 Geographic latitude in ddmm.mmmmmm format (40 degrees and 27.027912 minutes)
4 N Direction of latitude (N - North, S - South)
5 08704.857070 Geographic longitude in dddmm.mmmmmm format (87 degrees and 4.85707 minutes)
6 W Direction of longitude (E - East, W - West)
7 000.04 Speed over ground (0.04 knots)
8 181.9 Track made good (heading) (181.9º)
9 131000 Date in ddmmyy format (October 13, 2000)
10 1.8 Magnetic variation (1.8º)
11 W Direction of magnetic variation (E - East, W - West)
12 D Mode indication (A - autonomous, D - differential, N - data not valid)

$PTNL,GGK Output Sentence:

$PTNL,GGK,180432.00,101300,4027.0279123,N, 08704.8570697,W,4,07,1.7,EHT178.340,M*69

Field Value Meaning
1 180432.00 UTC of position fix in hhmmss.ss format (18 hours, 4 minutes and 32 seconds)
2 101300 Date in mmddyy format (October 13, 2000)
3 4027.0279123 Geographic latitude in ddmm.mmmmmmm format (40 degrees and 27.0279123 minutes)
4 N Direction of latitude (N - North, S - South)
5 08704.8570697 Geographic longitude in dddmm.mmmmmmm format (87 degrees and 4.8570697 minutes)
6 W Direction of longitude (E - East, W - West)
7 4 GPS quality indicator (0 - fix not available or invalid, 1 - autonomous GPS fix, 4 - DGPS)
8 07 Number of satellites in use (00-12)
9 1.7 DOP of fix
10 EHT178.340 Antenna height above ellipsoid (178.34 m)
11 M Unit of ellipsoidal height (meters)

Note: The descriptions of NEMA-0183 GPS output sentences are based on the AgGPS 132 Operation Manual (Trimble Navigation Limited, Sunnyvale, CA). The underlined values are to be used in calculations.
Last updated: October 31, 2000
Author: Viacheslav Adamchuk

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